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113 West Patetown Road
Goldsboro, NC, 27530
United States


Welcome to Legacy Dance Project's website.  Here you can find info about the programs we offer at the dance studio, the dance classes we offer, and the ways we create a positive influence on this generations future dancers.  We are proud to be a part of the Downtown Goldsboro NC community.

Live, Love, Leave a Legacy - A Blog

As the owner of Legacy Dance Project, art in general has always been something I've loved!  I double majored in college in Dance Performance and English.  There will be typos and misspelled words.  But there will be a joy of dance, the adventures of owning a studio, and my journey trying to create a legacy full of life and love for my students.  We will share aspects of the dance studio, our dance classes, and the community events around Goldsboro NC.  Happy dancing everyone!

Filtering by Tag: graduation

For my Graduates

megan hoyle

If there is ever a time that I absolutely DO NOT like during the dance year... it's saying goodbye to my graduates at the end.  No matter if they've been with me for a year or close to a decade, its always hard.  Some people may not understand that, but then again, they don't understand the trust, the stories, and the growing pains we all go through together in that dance studio.  This group of seniors is a trio that is so close to my heart.  They surprised me at the showcase (with the help of my sneaky husband) with an interview slideshow explaining what dance and what Legacy Dance Project has meant to them.  I was told about this presentation, with very little detail, during showcase night... which if anyone knows me, knows it threw me for a loop and off my game because I HATE surprises, especially when I have had no control or say in what is going on.  My need for control and order is sometimes my weakness, not my strength, and to be honest I don't think I understood the magnitude of what my seniors were trying to tell me that night.  When I went back and watched the interviews in the privacy of my home, on my comfy couch, I cried and cried.  I also realized how much I don't want them to go.  And in the same thought, realized how much they need to leave and find who they are as young women.  Thank you for being such an inspiration for me for these past couple years.  My dancers said some beautiful things in that video and I want to respond to some of those:

  • You will always have a home and place at Legacy Dance Project when you feel like you don't have a space to be free.
  • Be yourself! And don't feel like you have to apologize for being you... EVER!
  • Listen to the advice you gave your littles... because I'm 86% sure (haha) that I've given the same advice to you at some point... You are much more wiser than what you think.
  • You sacrificed your time, not just for me, but your teammates, missing out of fun things with your friends or time you'd be spending otherwise. I hope you can see now all those times I needed you in the studio wasn't just for me, or even your teammates, but more importantly for yourself.
  • Friends, of all kinds, come and go, and that's ok.  But dance will be something you'll remember and have forever.
  • Anytime you need to complain or vent about boyfriends, or disappointments, or missing mashed potatoes :) I'm there for you. Always.
  • As much as y'all think I've impacted you... You guys have taught, inspired, and pushed me waaaay much more!

That last one is the most important.  And here's why.  After the showcase, I felt a little on edge.  Like "What if everyone didn't like it?", "If this or that messed up a tiny bit, it will talked about forever!", "The showcase was too long!!!! Everyone is dying to get out of here!" and I had to a take a second and realize... this is a very special night for all the dancers, for the parents, for myself, and especially for the seniors.  Nothing ever goes completely perfect with live performances... I tell my dancers that all that time... and here I was questioning my worth because maybe perfection wasn't obtained and I was focusing and concentrating on all the tiny flubs that was blinding me from the big picture.  The fact is that it was a wonderful night with the best dance family ever and that was created by all of us... something I'm extremely proud of.  I love you, seniors.  Now go out into the world and make some moves... do the thing no one expects, ride trolleys, and live life.


Until next time,
